So you like THRASH METAL? That must mean you have a strange affinity for toxic waste and radioactive mutation. The Cuyahoga River was once so contaminated with toxic sludge that it was deemed a fire hazard. In a Time magazine article it was also said that the Cuyahoga river "oozes rather than flows" and a person "does not drown but decays". Definitely not your ideal route to plan a college float trip. On June 22, 1969 one of the many steel mills situated along the shores of the Cuyahoga was apparently routinely dumping molten slag into the river-way when all of the sudden the goopy currents ignited into a scene reminiscent of Dantes Inferno. It was not the first time the Cuyahoga had erupted into fiery indigestion but it was the first time it caught national attention. The Cuyahoga blaze helped "spark" the Clean Water act.
Have you ever dumped hazardous contaminants into a natural waterway?
Have you ever dumped hazardous contaminants into a natural waterway?